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Friends of High Firs

All parents are automatically members of the Friends of High Firs School Association. The Association is run by a committee, elected by parents and other members at their Annual General Meeting. The committee arrange many social and fund-raising events for the children & parents and they very much contribute to the corporate life of the school. Their interest and support is a valued part of the school organisation, and all their hard work on behalf of the children is very much appreciated. Parents are often invited to help with activities and requests for help will be published in the Friends of High Firs section of the Newsletter. The money raised from the many fund-raising activities organised by the Friends of High Firs has gone towards providing many extra items for the children, as well as funding major projects around the school. Projects have included new interactive whiteboards in classes and developing the playground area, providing games tables, wall games and playground markings. The work of the ‘Friends’ is much appreciated by the children, staff and Governing Body.

Committee Members 2023-2024

Chair - Sam Officer

Deputy Chair - Sam Taylor

Secretary - Rachel Lee

Treasurer - Theresa Kelleher

Safety Officer - Armando Moreira

Other Trustees - Jo Roper, Sarah Simmonds, Laura Mauldon

President - Mr Kilbride


Class Representatives 2024-25

Reception - Linda Clark, Celina Mesquita, Ashma Bhatt

Year 1 - Nikki Hamilton, Sarah Jones

Year 2 - Theresa Kelleher, Rachel Lee, Clare Sutton

Year 3 - Sarah Simmonds, Jodie Sutherland

Year 4 - Georgie Barr

Year 5 - Kerry Cattermole, Jo Roper

Year 6 - we have a vacancy, can you help?

Staff Representative - Miss C Rennie

If you would like to join the class representatives in your class you would be made very welcome.  There is no limit to the number of class representatives and the more the merrier.  Please do talk to your class representative or any member of the Committee if you would like to get involved with the Friends. The role of the Class Representative includes acting as a point of liaison with other parents in the class and to coordinate volunteers for events. Class Representatives (along with all members) are invited to attend Friends’ meetings but everyone can get involved, whether they are a Representative or not!

The Friends can be contacted via the School Office or email at 

Each class also has representatives for the FHF to raise awareness of events & projects.

Minutes of Meetings 

2025 Minutes coming soon!

Next Meeting

Please join us for our next FHF Meeting - everyone is welcome. Dates are published in our Newsletter. 

Easy Ways to Raise Money for FHF

The Friends of High Firs receives a donation every time people register to support us and shop online through the “easyfundraising” site. Click on the logo above to access the site.

There are over 2,700 online retailers available, including Amazon, John Lewis, eBay and Tesco and all will give a small percentage of what’s been spent back to the FHF Friends of High Firs School every time you shop with them.

Match Funding

Can you help us with Match Funding?  Click here.