Pupil Premium & PE funding
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between them and their peers. This funding is allocated to children who:
* are currently or who have been registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years
* have been in care for 6 months or longer
* have been looked after for 1 day or more
* were adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005 or left care after this date
In 2024-25 schools have received £1480 of Pupil Premium Funding for each eligible primary-aged pupil. Our Pupil Premium income for the financial year 2024-25 is £50320. We have also been allocated £1571 recovery premium for 2023-24, so our total funding is therefore £51891.
Barriers to children’s attainment include:
- Low attainment on entry to the school
- Other needs – eg: SEN / EAL
- Pastoral circumstances
- Attendance
- Low uptake of curricular out of school experiences
These are addressed by:
- In class and withdrawal support in identified subjects /areas
- Identified programmes
- Specialist SEN / EAL support
- Family Liaison support
- Attendance support
- Funding off-site curriculum opportunities
Further information on attainment outcomes for our Pupil Premium children is published on the DfE website.
We closely track our Pupil Premium children’s progress (both academically and pastorally) in order to assess whether we are closing the attainment gap that exists by comparison with non Pupil Premium children.
Our Pupil Premium strategy is reviewed at the end of each academic year. Click below for our strategies and year-end reviews:
2024-25 Pupil Premium Strategy & Review at bottom of page
2023-24 Pupil Premium Strategy & Review
2022-23 Pupil Premium Strategy & Review
2021-22 Pupil Premium Strategy
2020-21 Pupil Premium Strategy & Review
2019-20 Pupil Premium Strategy & Review
2018-2019 Pupil Premium Strategy & Review
How do I apply for Pupil Premium Funding for my child?
Prior to September 2014 the mechanism by which Pupil Premium Funding was allocated was to offer this funding to all children who applied for Free School Meals. Since September 2014, ALL children in KS1 (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2) have been eligible for Free School Meals but parents of children IN ANY CLASS who wish to apply for Pupil Premium Funding must still go through the Free School Meals form process. Therefore, the forms & website links which are still in circulation and are to be used for applications for the Pupil Premium Funding are still labelled as for Free School Meals. For children in KS2 (Years 3,4,5,6) your child will then also be eligible for Free School Meals. CLICK HERE to apply.
Sport Premium Funding
Schools are given Sport Premium funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport on offer:
- to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that the school already offers
- to build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years
In 2023-24 schools will receive £16000 plus £10 per Yr1 to Yr6 pupil. Click below for our strategies and year end reviews:
2023-24 PE Premium Strategy - at bottom of page
2022-23 PE Premium Strategy - at bottom of page
2019-20 PE Premium Strategy & Review
Schools are required to publish how many pupils within their Yr6 cohort are meeting the national curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
In our 2023-24 Yr6 class, 48% of the cohort attained the statutory swimming requirements.