Helping at School
We welcome parents and adults from the local community to undertake a variety of roles in supporting the school & our children.
Could you help in school by –
- hearing children read?
- playing games with small groups?
- sharing a skill – gardening / sewing / painting / cooking / music?
- talking about or sharing your job or hobby?
- looking after the books in our school library?
- tidying our outdoor environment?
- helping at or running a lunchtime or after-school club?
- offering specialist skills
- ….. anything else?
It would be great to hear from any parents, grandparents or family friends who would like to come and share their skills with the children in school. It doesn’t matter how often or for how long – once a week, once a month or even just once! If you would like to offer your help, please complete & return the form here and someone will be in touch with you shortly.
Please note that the school is required to undertake and receive a satisfactory DBS (Police) check on all adult volunteers undertaking voluntary work with the children in school. All volunteers will also receive and need to agree to the School’s “Volunteers in School” policy and are required to undertake safeguarding training.