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Flu Vaccine

July 2024

Dear parent/carer,

The flu vaccine will be offered to all children from reception to year 11 this winter.


Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Having the flu vaccine protects your child and your family and friends, by preventing the spread of flu. It is recommended to have the vaccine every year as the type of flu can vary each winter. The vaccination is a quick and painless spray up the nose.

The Immunisation Service will be visiting your child’s school on 18th October 2024.

Please discuss this immunisation with your child and complete the online form at:
before midnight on 14th October 2024 to let us know if you would like your child to receive the vaccine. By submitting a form, you will be entered into a prize draw and the chance for you and your child to both to win a £50 Amazon voucher each.

Please submit either a YES consent or DECLINE consent as we will continue to invite your child to be vaccinated unless we hear from you. This may mean that one of our team calls you to obtain verbal consent over the phone.

kind regards

Immunisation Service
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust